Analysis Program:
This is a program to find the KPK or multiples of the smallest alliance between two numbers entered.
Here is the formula-rusmusnya sidah. First value = 0 because later will be added in search-and add the rest of the quotient between the two numbers that fed the fruit earlier.
Agoritma :
1. Inputkan 2 angka yang akan di cari KPKnya
2. nilai=0
3. for (int z=1; z<=masuk.b; z++)
4. masuk.nilai=masuk.nilai+masuk.a;
5. if (masuk.nilai%masuk.b==0)
6. Kembalikan nilai return
7. Hasil
[sourcecode language="css"]
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class kpk {
friend istream& operator>>(istream&, kpk&);
public :
kpk ();
int a,b,nilai;
kpk::kpk() { cout<<"Menghitung KPK"<<endl; }
istream& operator>>(istream& in, kpk& masuk) {
cout<<"Masukkan A: "; in>>masuk.a;
cout<<"Masukkan B: "; in>>masuk.b;
for (int z=1; z<=masuk.b; z++) {
if (masuk.nilai%masuk.b==0) {
cout<<"KPK dari "<< masuk.a << " dan "<< masuk.b <<" adalah "<< masuk.nilai <<endl;
return in;
main () {
kpk X;
cin >> X;
getch ();
Friday, 15 April 2011
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